AgActiv specializes in carbon-based liquid fertilizers that are carefully formulated to support crop growth, improve yields, and promote environmental sustainability.
Field Management Service Overview
AgActiv provides a comprehensive field management service, including soil analysis, crop monitoring, and collaboration with farm managers to optimize crop quality and yield. Through regular scouting, fertilizer programs, and research on pests and weather effects, AgActiv aims to consistently improve agricultural practices and economic returns for farmers.
Humic Acid
Humic acid is a natural organic substance that plays a vital role in agriculture. Derived from decaying plant and animal matter, it is a principal component of humus, the organic fraction of soil. In agriculture, humic acid is utilized as a soil conditioner and fertilizer additive. Its primary benefits include enhancing soil structure, increasing nutrient retention, and improving water retention capacity.
Fulvic Acid
Fulvic acid is a crucial component in agriculture, recognized for its numerous benefits in soil and plant health. It’s a natural organic compound formed during the decomposition of plant and microbial matter. Fulvic acid, a type of humic substance, plays a pivotal role in enhancing soil health.
Foliar potassium in agriculture refers to the application of potassium-based fertilizers directly onto plant leaves. Potassium is one of the essential nutrients required by plants for various physiological and biochemical processes. When applied as a foliar spray, potassium is absorbed by the plant's stomata and used for functions like enzyme activation, photosynthesis, and water regulation.
Magnesium plays a crucial role in agriculture as an essential mineral for plant growth. It is a key component of chlorophyll, the molecule that allows plants to photosynthesize. Magnesium aids in the process of capturing sunlight and converting it into energy, which is vital for plant development.
CalMag is a combination of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) nutrients that are essential for plant growth and development. Calcium is vital for cell wall structure, root development, and nutrient uptake, while magnesium is essential for chlorophyll synthesis, enzyme activation, and photosynthesis. CalMag is commonly used as a supplement to correct mineral deficiencies in the soil. When plants lack these nutrients, they exhibit signs of stress such as yellowing of leaves, poor fruit development, and overall stunted growth.
Slow release helps to provide a steady supply of nitrogen to plants over an extended period, reducing leaching and nutrient run off. Through the slow release of nitrogen, nutrient use efficiency can be improved, healthy plant growth promoted and reduce frequency of fertilizer application.
Calcium compounds can be used to encapsulate nitrogen sources, forming a protective coating over the nitrogen molecules that slows down the release of nitrogen in the soil.
Products Overview
AgActiv offers an extensive range of products and tailor-made blends designed to meet the diverse needs of various soil types and plant species.
Want to know more?
Contactblake Zielinski
Chief Agricultural & Farming Officer